Latest WIP and New Goals

Good Morning!  I am busy working on a quilt for my friend, Doug.  Doug restores and makes retro teardrop trailers.  Here is his most recent teardrop:

Doug also makes special quilts to match his trailers.  He is a really good piecer, too, and his quilts are always nice and straight.  Ladies, Doug is single and he owns a quilt store too.  Hahaha!  Maybe I should offer my services as a matchmaker!!  LOL!

So I am midway through my latest Doug quilt.  I will show you a picture when I get further along.

New Goal- One of the downsides to having a creative brain is that I have dozens of cool art quilt designs inside just waiting to be realized!  I also miss piecing quilts.  So, my goal for the year is to actually create and finish a few of these designs.  I  want to create a wholecloth , a shadow trapunto quilt, plus play with photo transfer, pictorial quilts and painted surface design.

So, my first goal is to finish the quilts on hand.  Then I can work on my own stuff!

Another goal is to make Baby Jack a  quilt, so I have started cutting it out.  I want to put Minkee material on the back, but something I’ve noticed is that Minkee is hard to find these days. I guess I need to Google it.

Off to quilt now!  Hugs, Carla

Still Quilting…

Cross my fingers, knock on wood, today should be the last day I spend on my joint quilt project with Barb Kiehn, called “In the Garden.”  If you are new to my blog, then just scroll down to see it in progress on my quilting table.

Just to make you feel better, and to reveal that sometimes an experienced quilter can make a bozo mistake,  Last night, I had stopped for the day, and late at night decided to get a start on this one section of the quilt.  So I quilted a section, then realized I had forgotten to tighten my backing fabric, thus creating a puff of fabric in the back.  So NOT acceptible, so I am now removing the stitches and will correct this rookie mistake.

It is instances like this that keep me humble.

DH Joe and I have been hit pretty hard with a virus.  I’m on Day 2 of not talking because I have no voice.  Some people would think this is a GOOD thing.  Hahaha!

Back to the studio now…  I will try to remember to take a picture once it is finished.  If not, I will take a picture next week hanging in the show.

Have a great weekend!  Carla

Quilt of the Week

I feel honored to have one of my quilting efforts chosen as “Quilt of the Week” on Machine Quilter’s Resource, a forum devoted to professional machine quilting.  This Egyptian Quilt, pieced and owned by my friend, Barb Kiehn, is the quilt being highlighted:



The class I taught yesterday went well.  I had a wonderful bunch of students- friends, really.  I find I really enjoy teaching.  The atmosphere at the quilt store is very warm, hilarious, and fun.   All this, plus fabric, too!

“In the Garden,” the formal name of the quilt I am currently working on, is getting closer to being completed.  I will be quilting every spare minute until it is done.  It is due to be in a show in early February.  Cutting it close, I know.  Anyway, here are some updated pics:


and one more view:


I can’t wait to finish this enough for the show next week.  Once I get it back, I will reload this quilt and change a few places, also add some more work.  I still have lots of SID to do … Yikes!

Anyhow, I’m hoping my extra effort on the quilting pays off.  Either way, I’ll let you know how it does in the local show.


Last note:  My favorite kitty, Oscar, is recuperating after a mystery injury.  I took him to the Vet since he was limping, and acting like he was in pain. Good news: xrays revealed no broken bones, so it is some sort of muscle or tendon injury.  The Vet kindly gave him a 24 hour pain shot and extra pain pills so he doesn’t suffer while healing.  Poor baby!

Here is Oscar in happier moments:


Class Today

Hello, I have been busy as usual.  Lately, I’ve run to the Bay area for a meeting, been working on my current quilt, plus today I am teaching my “Quilt Whisperer” quilting design class.

In my class, I cover basics of quilting, what considerations are there for different kinds of quilts and recipients, plus have exercises and end the class with individual design instruction with student’s quilt tops.  Here is an example of one class handout where the student gets practice at developing their own quilt designs:


The bowtie quilt pattern is a simple one-block quilt design.   Then I introduce a more complex pattern for them to practice on.

I also have a creative exercise, I’m beta testing one from the book I wrote, but need to update when time allows to finish.  LOL  I am such a procrastinator!!

Here is some new photos from my current quilt project:


Speaking of quilt design, I decided to change my plan on the fly.  I ended up using one of my favorite stencils, shown above, instead of my original Carla stencil design, shown here:


I had intended to combine 4 of the design above in the large blank area.  But it didn’t give me enough visual impact, so I went with the lovely stencil shown in the photo above.


Time to pack quilts, etc. for class.  Enjoy your day!  Carla

Thanks, Molly!

Talk about Cheer Mail…  I opened the mail today to discover a lovely package from my friend, Molly!  In it was this ribbon for “Best Machine Quilting” from The River City Quilt Guild for my quilting on this delightful quilt:


Also in the package was a wonderful card, the judge’s comments, and the award!  Thanks, Molly!!  You are a dear!!!

I love reading the judge’s comments, especially when they are nice.  The one for this quilt regarding the quilting says “Lovely Quilting Motifs- well executed” and the “back could stand alone as a wholecloth.”      They also had some nice things to say about Molly piecing skills, but I already knew that… LOL!  Thank you, Molly!!!

Speaking of machine quilting, here are more sneak peeks at my quilt:



OK, back to work… getting close to my half way point on the current quilt.  Carla

My Quilt (WIP 1)

I was chased out of my quilt studio by Woody the Redneck contractor, who wanted to finish installing the electronics for my HUGE entrance gate.   But that’s another post for the future.

Instead, I wanted to share with you all, and especially Barb, little sneak peek photos  of my quilt progress.  Yes, in case you are curious, this one belongs to me!  Barb was kind enough to design and piece this quilt for me:


Back to work now!  Carla

Creative Adventure Week, Part 1

I’ve been promising a report and pictures from my visit with Lori, so here is part one.

After a 6-7 hour drive south to Manhattan Beach, CA, I arrived to Lori’s full of creative energy and excitement! After unloading the car, which was stuffed full of artistic supplies, fabric, metal art tools, sewing machine, etc, Lori and I headed over to nearby Torrance for a side trip to visit my father, who had been discharged from the local hospital.

Note: My father, Carl, is now back in Missouri and feeling better.

Day 1 was spent shopping to gather more supplies for the week.  We hit the bead store, JoAnn craft store, Radio Shack, etc. for supplies, then spent the rest of the day making jump rings in my new jump ring maker, then working on chain maille bracelets:


Day 2:  We met up with friend and talented artist Capril to hit a fabulous swap meet (Roadeum) to gather more supplies for the week.  This swap meet has lots of garment district cast offs, remnents and it is a treasure hunt for creative souls!

We came home, then painted huge pieces of canvas using the principle of layering.  Here is what my canvas looked like:



and here is Lori’s:


and what she did with a piece of it:


Lori later attached her handle.  What I loved about this project is that we have different styles, yet both turned out terrific!  We also finished our chain maille bracelet in the evening.

Day 3: We continued to add paint layers to the canvas, tumbled the chain maille bracelets with steel shot mix to make them smooth,  etched copper to make into charms,  and started our little purses to hold our iphones.  Here are mine, two colorways to match different outfits:


And this one is to wear with my brown toned clothing:


A quick note about my iphone above.  That one is my new iphone as I accidentally misplaced my last one.  This one has 3G technology and I love it even more!!  I made my iphone bags so I don’t lose it again!

Hmmm….  shall I make a tutorial when I can find the time?

To Be Continued….   This takes you through Day 3 of my visit.  I skipped over the laughter, the yummy food, and how warm and inviting that Lori and her family treated me.  They always make me feel like a family member when I visit.

Hugs, Carla

WIP Monday

It’s beginning to look like Christmas here in the Northern California Foothills.  We’ve had snow the last few days, but it has melted.  Right now, it is starting to accumulate, so I’m hoping I can get a good picture tomorrow morning to show you.

Now that I have my batting, I’ve loaded and have started the beautiful Egyptian quilt.  Here is a picture to remind you:


I have one more quilt to do  before Christmas, the next one is for a friend’s daughter.

Then, my favorite (and only) sister, Yvette, is coming for a visit right after Christmas.  She shocked me by asking if I would help create her very first quilt- a baby quilt.  Once I picked my jaw off the floor, I agreed.  I’m still thinking of a easy quilt that would only take one day to piece…  Ideas???

Still haven’t finished my two freeform crochet scarf projects, been sidetracked by online Christmas shopping.  Remember that purple/blue/green one?  Susan Italo had a birthday on Sunday, and this scarf is earmarked for her:


Remember the Bella Bella book that was published last year?  Susan did some quilting for the author, so if you have that book, you can see her work.

So the big question of the day is….

Have you finished your Holiday shopping or not??  Do you procrastinate like me or do you have it wrapped and organized before Thanksgiving?  Something in between?  Do Tell!

Wire work

In preparation for turning in my metal portfolio for the semester, I have been finishing a few more items.

After my wire crochet experiment the other night using 28 gauge copper wire, I decided the weave was actually a knit, similar to a viking knit, but different.  Here it is using a 24 gauge wire, before compacting it using a wooden drawplate:


Then I finished 2 more chain maille bracelets out of copper wire.  Thanks to Faith, who made me the copper jump rings used to make these:


My last picture features a leaf that is a wire formed design. You then press a sheet of metal over the wire using a hydraulic press to create the design.  Here I have it temporarily on my previous wire knit:


Hope your December day is beautiful where you live.  Check out my sunset last night from out my front door:


Hugs, Carla

New Koi

I’m about finished with the lovely kimono quilt and I just need to do some fill work.  I drew up a new koi and I’ve decided I like him alot.  Here he is quilted:


Btw, in case you are curious, I am using a very dark shade of gray on the black borders.  It shows the quilting just a bit more, and I can see where I am going.  The last kimono quilt I did was quilted with black thread and so it made my life more difficult.

I’m also experiementing with wire crochet.  I want to combine beading, wire and fiber for a necklace.  Here is the crochet wire part:


So far, I like how it is coming out.  I will also make a second one and then make it smaller by drawing it thru a drawplate.


Quote seen on a SUV: “Hire a Teenager while they still know it all.”

For those of you who laugh and understand this phrase, you are probably already through the teenage years.  Many of you have teenagers at home, so you also get it. The teenage years can be a tough time for parents, that’s for sure.

Karen is working on her psychology masters, and has a quick  2 minute questionnaire for you to answer.  You can answer it here,  or on Karen’s blog.  If you don’t want to answer in a public forum, leave me a comment and I’ll email you privately.

Participating would help Karen out in her class.  I hope you will participate.  Thanks from Carla and Karen’s short questionnaire follows:

1. Who do you believe has more influence on adolescents (Ages 12 – 17)

a.  Parents

b.  Peers

2. Are you a parent? (not necessary that you be a parent – just curious)

a.  Yes

b.  No

3. Have you ever parented a teenager? If so, please answer below. If not, please skip to Question #6.

a.  1 – 2

b.  3 – 4

c.  5 or greater

5. What is their gender?

a.  Female

b.  Male

c.  Both

6.  Are you male/female?

a.  Female

b.  Male
