Molly’s Batik Quilt

Here is a lovely batik quilt I just finished by my friend, Molly.  But first, the back of the quilt where you may see the quilting:

I used one of my favorite border stencils by Barbara Chainey… this is the second or third quilt I used this on, so I probably need to rest it for awhile and not use it on every quilt :).   I love it for 2 reasons… it quilts up very easy, so even a beginner quilter can do it, and it looks fabulous! Here is another pic:

Last picture, the very center of the quilt:

26 thoughts on “Molly’s Batik Quilt

  1. What a YUMMY quilt! And, of course, great quilting, too!

    Did you use a variegated with a sheen or a cotton thread? Details, please! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Where in that quilt did you see that design? There is nothing there to suggest such a gorgeous quilting design.

    It has to be smoke and mirrors or quilter’s magic. Hmmm, maybe I better sign up for another Quilt Whisperer class.

    • Hi Linda, I just divided the top up as I saw it. I could have chosen an E2E design, but doing it custom elevated the quilt just a bit for Molly.

      What is wonderful about a quilt like this is that there are 100 ways to break the quilt down, and 100×100 more ways to design it. I thought I would have some fun with stencils, and then add my own twist to the mix.

      Thank you!

  3. Thanks, I love fun quilts like this. I am working on a guild quilt right now, which is much harder to do. I am at a point where I need to create myself a stencil to fit the space I am working on.

  4. Carla, fantastic quilting! So many wonderful techniques involved. Within your answer to Christine about the thread you used you mentioned ‘a double wind bobbin’. Could you explain what you meant please?

  5. GREAT batik quilt — both the back & front are stunning thanks to your quilting!! So imaginative — amazing how you created the design and the quilt itself is so happy — I always love batiks and this one sings.

    • Hi Barbara! I have shared your border design with lots of other quilters. I love it! (Barbara Chainey is the designer of this wonderful stencil. By the way, several of Barbara’s stencil designs, including this one, is on sale at . Act now, and you can have this stencil for only $2.84 US! )

      Always love your comments, Barbara, thanks!

  6. Carla,
    That is a beautiful quilt!!! I’m new to quilting. Do you have any suggestions? All I have is my mother’s very basic sewing machine. Any suggestions for a beginner would be helpful. Thanks!

    • Hi Pat, you can certainly quilt with your basic sewing machine, but you can do more if you are able to drop your feed dogs and learn how to quilt freemotion using a special foot attachment for your brand of sewing machine. You can also buy a walking foot, too.

      Look for a local quilt store and see if they offer quilting classes to get you going. Otherwise, make up practice quilt sandwiches (consisting of a top, batting and backing fabric) and teach yourself using internet resources.

      Hope this helps! Carla

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