Birthday Cartoon- Illustration Friday

I’ve decided to join Illustration Friday as a personal challenge. I went slightly off theme this week- which is “hats”- but it’s my birthday so what the heck!

Enjoy your day, too!   Carla the birthday girl

24 thoughts on “Birthday Cartoon- Illustration Friday

  1. Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Carla
    Happy birthday to you!!!

    Hope it is/was fabulous!

  2. Happy Birthday, Carla!! Love the cartoon, it’s hysterical. I did finally post a pic of the inversion table for you. It’s in my blog. Have a wonderful, blessed day!

  3. Happy Birthday to you!!!! (our anniversary too!!) I hope that you enjoy your day. I love the cartoon, as always! I was counting those candlessssss?

  4. Thank you for all your well wishes! I decided to spend the day creating, so I am in the process of making myself a new purse to match some new clothes I bought for winter.

    Hugs, Carla

  5. Pingback: Illustation Friday: Leap « Feathered Fibers

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