What To Do With Leftover Quilt Blocks

I don’t know about you, but I always make more blocks than I can possibly use in my quilt project. In fact, I sometimes make enough for 2-3 quilts. So what to do with leftover blocks??

You could turn them into a quilted garment, make a quilty purse, sew one on a favorite tshirt, make a pincushion, plush toy or turn some into a pillow. I decided to use the last of my blocks on a small wallhanging to hang in my entryway, seen here on an old Artist Trading Card (ATC) project:

Last week, I decided to rotate the quilt that was hanging there and move a new one in. Only problem is that my quilts I have made are too big for the space. That’s when I decided to make a smaller version with the leftover blocks from my autumn leaf quilt just for this space. Here is what I pieced together yesterday, sans border:

Once I add the final border, then it will fit perfectly in this space. I think I’ll start making smaller versions now just for the walls in my home!!


Next Quilt: Next up is a lovely quilt using Amy Butler fabrics:

I can’t wait to start!! Some quilts just beg to be quilted, y’know?


Dinner & Books: Last night, Joe took me out to our favorite Japanese food place for sushi (yum!). Then we decided to go across the street and see what new books or magazines were at our local large bookstore. I bought a couple of magazines on jewelry art:

and 3 new books related to sailing and the cruising lifestyle. Thanks to Oreneta, of the blog, Oreneta Aground, (who spent several years cruising with her family in the Bahamas) for a list of which authors to look for.

A year pass my bareboat cruising adventure of last summer, I am still yearning to take up the cruising lifestyle and spend a year or two cruising. This still remains one of my bigger goals which will take several years before I can actually realize this adventure. Smaller goals involve sailing lessons, another bareboat charter next year, and of course, finding the perfect sailboat to meet our needs, desires and budget.

Anyone else want to try their hand at the cruising life? Enjoy your weekend! Carla

6 thoughts on “What To Do With Leftover Quilt Blocks

  1. No cruising here Carla. I tend to like my feet on dry ground. I love your new jewelry books. Will we see some out of it soon?
    Hi Freda, yes, I will be taking a college class in Metal Arts beginning next month. I am so excited and can’t wait! Hugs, Carla

  2. maybe not cruising, but I’d kind of like to sail away at the moment…
    Are you cruising in OCt? or can I get you to come to AFF after all?

    • Becky, this was a old pattern about 12 years old that was in an issue of Quickmaker magazine. The leaves are appliqued to blocks, then cut apart and sewed back together.

      Good luck!

    • Hi Becky, there are several methods for doing the leaves. I sewed interface on the back of the leaves, made a slit and trimmed curves, then turned them right side out, pressed, and finally, I hand sewed them to the block before splitting. I have also machine stitched the leaves on. One one small quilt, I fused, but it was rather stiff. Hope this helps.

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